
The End For Capitol Skyline? Raze Application Filed For DC Hotel

  • January 31st

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The Capitol Skyline hotel when it was open.

It appears that the end may be here for the Capitol Skyline hotel. 

A raze application has been filed in DC for the 63 year-old hotel along I Street SW (map). 

For those that keep track of the hotel, this probably doesn't come as much of a surprise. Once known for its raucous pool parties, the hotel closed during the pandemic and was used a shelter for medically vulnerable homeless DC residents. For the last year or so, the hotel not been in operation in any capacity. 

UrbanTurf has reached out to the Rubell family, which owns the hotel, to see what the plans are for the site. The Rubells own hotels in Miami, and are also associated with Gallery 64, a 12-story, 492-unit apartment building along H Street SW. 

See other articles related to: capitol skyline hotel, navy yard, rubell family

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/the_end_for_capitol_skyline_raze_application_filed_for_dc_hotel/23141.

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