The Changing Face of Housing in DC

  • June 11th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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This past Friday, Housing Complex reported on some revealing graphs, charts and maps from the Office of Planning that visualize housing and development trends in DC over the past decade.

Created as part of a report for a housing strategy meeting, the graphics can be found here. We also perused the report to find some data that we deemed would be of most interest to our readers.

Perhaps the most dramatic chart verifies the multi-family building boom that we’ve been reporting on over the past year (here is a list of apartments that are set to deliver in the next three months). In 2011, the city issued a staggering number of permits for buildings with over five units:

The Changing Face of Housing in DC: Figure 1

Charts outlining changes in the racial makeup of the city reveal that city is getting more Caucasian. While the overall population has grown from just over 570,000 in 2000 to almost 620,000 in 2010, the number of black residents has actually decreased:

The Changing Face of Housing in DC: Figure 2

As Housing Complex pointed out, maps tracking race across the city show formerly strongly black areas in the eastern side of the city losing their majority.

Another chart illustrates the twentysomething boom:

The Changing Face of Housing in DC: Figure 3

Of course, UrbanTurf is always interested in home price trends, so the news that the median sales prices of homes in DC more than doubled between 2000 and 2011, jumping from $159,000 to $399,000, was fascinating.

The Changing Face of Housing in DC: Figure 4
Click to enlarge.

And finally, the pipeline. Here is a map of where all the residential buildings are planned or under construction in the city:

The Changing Face of Housing in DC: Figure 5
Click to enlarge.

In what will probably come as no surprise to readers, it looks like evolving areas include Capitol Riverfront, NoMa, and 9th Street NW.

See other articles related to: census, dclofts, demographics, home prices, office of planning, pipeline

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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