The 35-Mile DC to Baltimore Hyperloop Route Revealed

  • March 26th 2018

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The 35-Mile DC to Baltimore Hyperloop Route Revealed: Figure 1

Elon Musk continues to tease out details of his planned east coast Hyperloop. 

Late last week, a map was published on The Boring Company's website that shows the 35 mile route that the planned Hyperloop would take between DC and Baltimore. 

The 35-Mile DC to Baltimore Hyperloop Route Revealed: Figure 2
Click to enlarge.

The 15 minute trip would run from New York Avenue NE in DC to a station near Camden Yards in Baltimore, hewing closely to the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. 

"Passengers would be able to travel from downtown DC to downtown Baltimore in approximately 15 minutes," the website says. "Travel time to spots along the way vary linearly with distance – in other words, a trip from DC to Greenbelt would take approximately 5 minutes."

The site also has a fairly informative FAQ that says that the Hyperloop will be funded privately and that construction could be complete in a mere 12-20 months. 

See other articles related to: elon musk, hyperloop, the boring co

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