Updated Plans Filed For 328-Unit Development At Arlington Office Site

  • September 16th 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A new aerial rendering of the development. Click to enlarge.

Plans are moving forward to raze an Arlington office building and redevelop the site with a large residential project. 

Penzance has filed updated plans with Arlington County for a 328-unit development at the site of the Ballston One office building at 4601 Fairfax Drive (map). Penzanace purchased the 239,678-square-foot office building from UBS Realty Investors LLC in September 2023. 

The new application shows one of the first images of the proposed development, which will be seven stories (notably shorter than the 12-story office building), and parking will be provided in an existing two-story underground parking garage. 

The new project adds to a number of other developments on the boards in and around Arlington. Here are a few:

See other articles related to: arlington apartments, arlington development, ballston one

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/plans_filed_for_328-unit_development_at_arlington_office_site/22714.

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