A New Look for 110-Unit Project Across From Meridian Hill Park

  • September 27th 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A New Look for 110-Unit Project Across From Meridian Hill Park: Figure 1
An aerial rendering of the proposed project.

Last week, the development team behind the proposed multi-family project at the Meridian International Center submitted a new design to ANC 1C in advance of a meeting with the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB).

Located at 2300 16th Street NW (map), the project was supposed to be reviewed by HPRB last spring but neighborhood and ANC 1C opposition likely led the team to make changes to the design before moving forward.

In the new iteration, the number of residential units in the development, from the team of Streetscape Partners and Westbrook Partners in partnership with the Meridian International Center, has dropped from 140 to 110. There will also be two below-grade levels of parking.

A New Look for 110-Unit Project Across From Meridian Hill Park: Figure 2
The proposed development as seen from 16th Street

A New Look for 110-Unit Project Across From Meridian Hill Park: Figure 3
An earlier design iteration as seen from 16th Street

Rather than being located on the corner of 16th Street and Belmont Street, the residential entrance is now directly across from Meridian Hill Park’s Joan of Arc statue. A semi-circular set of stairs lead up to the entrance; an additional vehicular and accessible entrance is sited on Belmont.

A New Look for 110-Unit Project Across From Meridian Hill Park: Figure 4

Perkins Eastman is the architect for the redevelopment, which will also house office space for the nonprofit. The new design for the project will likely go before ANC 1C in October.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/new_look_for_the_meridian_center_development/11723.

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