
HPO Recommends Approval of New 23-Unit Cleveland Park Development

  • January 22nd 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Aerial rendering of planned development. 

It has been a long road for a new apartment project in Cleveland Park, but an approval on the horizon could help things move forward. 

Three years ago, UrbanTurf reported on plans for a new 23-unit apartment building at 3427 Wisconsin Avenue NW (map), across the street from the Cathedral Commons development. After several back and forth revisions with DC's Historic Preservation Office, it appears that a recommendation is about to give the project the green light. 

Last week, an HPO report on the new development recommended the Review Board (HPRB) approve the concept at their meeting later this month. 

3427 Wisconsin Avenue NW.

"The changes to the building’s envelope in the form of new details helps to better fit the concept within the Cleveland Park Historic District," the report stated. "The concept complements existing residential apartment blocks along Wisconsin Avenue, and includes materials, colors, and details found elsewhere in the historic district."

The Rich-Markus designed development will have four stories in addition to a penthouse and basement. The building, which will consist of two- and three-bedroom apartments, will require moving the houses currently at the address. 

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/hpo_recommends_approval_of_new_23-unit_cleveland_park_development/21883.

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