Guess the Price: Frank Lloyd Wright-Inspired Abode
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After an over month-long hiatus, UrbanTurf’s popular price-guessing game for homes in other parts of the country is back. This week, we head to a suburban neighborhood in Illinois to look at a home designed by an apprentice of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Located on two five acre lots, this property includes a house and separate coach house totaling 7,000 square feet. With a Jamaican tile roof and an indoor pool, the home seems like it would be a better fit in Santa Barbara than Illinois. The property, which was designed by an architect that spent a number of years as an apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright, has experienced numerous price reductions and is now listed for about a quarter of the original asking price.

Post your guesses in the comments section below. The person with the most accurate guess will win their very own UrbanTurf t-shirt!

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