From 18 to 57 Units? An Upcoming Map Amendment off Starburst Plaza

  • May 13th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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1801-1809 Maryland Avenue NE. Click to enlarge.

A soon-to-be-proposed map amendment could more than triple the density of some missing middle housing near DC's Starburst Plaza.

Developers Jared Kahn and Anthony Williams (no, not DC's former mayor), and Gallaudet real estate director Sam Swiller have shared plans to rezone the properties at 1801, 1805 and 1809 Maryland Avenue NE (map) to permit a residential development of roughly 57 units.

Existing and potential massing along Maryland Avenue elevation. Click to enlarge.

The existing buildings each have six, one-bedroom units and are split-zoned between MU-7 and RA-2. The map amendment application would rezone the property as RA-4, enabling a residential apartment building with a maximum height of 90 feet, plus 20-foot penthouse.

The developers previewed the plans at this month's ANC 5D meeting. A map amendment application will be filed in a few months.

See other articles related to: maryland avenue, starburst intersection, starburst plaza

This article originally published at

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