Developer of The Wharf Pitches 500-Unit Development Near Ballston Metro

  • November 29th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of northwest corner of proposed north building. Click to enlarge.

The developer of The Wharf in DC has big plans in Northern Virginia. 

Hoffman & Associates and partner Snell Properties have filed an application with Arlington County to replace the office and hotel buildings at 4600 and 4610 Fairfax Drive (map) with a 504-unit development across two buildings. 

Rendering of southeast corner of proposed south building. Click to enlarge.

The project will be split across a seven-story building with 475 apartments and a four-story-plus-penthouse building delivering 29 townhouse-style units. Per the application, zoning respectively allows a 16-story building and a 35 foot-tall building on these sites. hord coplan macht is the architect.

Rendering of southwest corner of proposed south building. Click to enlarge.

The majority of the apartments will be one-bedrooms, and all of the townhouse units will be four-bedrooms. There will also be 423 vehicular parking spaces and 204 resident bicycle spaces in a shared garage, and the north building will have a pool in an interior courtyard on the ground floor.

The developers hope to break ground in 2024. Additional renderings are below.

Rendering of northeast corner of proposed north building. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of southeast corner of proposed north building. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of southwest corner of proposed north building. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of northeast corner of proposed south building. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of northwest corner of proposed south building. Click to enlarge.

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