An 8-Hour Accessory Building

  • May 10th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Allwood's studio kit. Click to enlarge.

Allwood is taking a leaf out of Ikea's — or Sears' —book to offer a DIY tiny home.

The online retail outlet sells, among other things, a studio kit that will enable two people to construct a 172 square-foot accessory structure in eight hours. While slightly smaller than the typical tiny house or accessory dwelling, the detached structure can be customized.

This particular type of building kit, reported by Marie Claire, costs $7,250 to purchase and comes with everything except basic tools (ladder, cordless drill, tape measure, hammer, etc.). Any utility hook-ups or systems are not included.

Allwood's offerings include a variety of accessory structure kits, ranging from a 73 square-foot "weekender" cabin for $3,460 to a 1,336 square-foot cabin for $54,990.

For the typical DC backyard where detached ADUs are by-right, there is a 307 square-foot cabin for $17,485 (far below the allowable 450 square feet), or a 483 square-foot cabin for $31,880.

The company offers a financing option for purchases over $5,000, and its website also notes that buyers bear responsibility for securing any needed building permits.

This article originally published at

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