A More "Grounded" Look for DC's Scottish Rite Apartments

  • March 6th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Newer rendering of the proposed building, looking north on 15th Street. Click to enlarge.

Three months ago, DC's Historic Preservation Review Board sent the development team for the planned residential development behind the Scottish Rite "not quite" back to the drawing board. Now, the 125-150-unit project along 16th Street is returning with an amended design.

A First Look at the 150 Apartments Planned for Scottish Rite Site on 16th Street: Figure 2
Previous rendering of the proposed building, looking north on 15th Street. Click to enlarge.

The residential development, a partnership between Perseus TDC and the Scottish Rite, would sit on the Masonic Temple-owned lot at 1733 16th Street NW (map) and would also incorporate the carriage house on the site. The project would include two "English basement" levels with below-grade units and 110 underground parking spaces.

Newer rendering of 15th Street elevation. Click to enlarge.
A First Look at the 150 Apartments Planned for Scottish Rite Site on 16th Street: Figure 3
Previous rendering of 15th Street elevation. Click to enlarge.

In light of the Board's and Historic Preservation Office's staff recommendations that the building needed a different glass-to-brick ratio and improved architectural relationship with other rowhouses along the street, designer Hickok Cole has uploaded new renderings to the project's website.

Newer rendering of the courtyard between the Masonic Temple and residential building. Click to enlarge.
A First Look at the 150 Apartments Planned for Scottish Rite Site on 16th Street: Figure 1
Previous rendering of the courtyard between the Masonic Temple and residential building. Click to enlarge.

The building also appears to have been pushed back from the alley to improve circulation through the site, another point noted by Boardmembers and staff. A new HPRB hearing has not yet been scheduled. Additional renderings and perspectives are below.

Newer rendering of the courtyard of proposed building. Click to enlarge.
A First Look at the 150 Apartments Planned for Scottish Rite Site on 16th Street: Figure 5
Previous rendering of the courtyard of proposed building. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of the proposed building, looking south on 15th Street. Click to enlarge.
A First Look at the 150 Apartments Planned for Scottish Rite Site on 16th Street: Figure 6
Previous rendering of the proposed building, looking south on 15th Street. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of entrances along 15th Street. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of courtyard from S Street. Click to enlarge.
Newer aerial rendering of courtyard. Click to enlarge.
Newer rendering of entrances along S Street. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-more-grounded-look-for-the-proposed-scottish-rite-apartments/15092.

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