A Few New Looks For 564-Unit Redevelopment of DC's Cotton Annex

  • July 20th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A rendering of the redevelopment from 12th and D Street NW.

As the redevelopment of DC's historic Cotton Annex building goes before the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), a few new renderings have been unveiled.

Aerial rendering. Click to enlarge

Earlier this year, Douglas Development received zoning approval to adapt and construct an addition to the former home of the Department of Agriculture at 300 12th Street SW (map). The 12-story project, dubbed Annex on 12th, will deliver 564 residential units, of which approximately 37,000 square feet will be for inclusionary zoning (IZ). There will also be 1,552 square feet of ground-floor retail/restaurant space and 110 parking spaces. Design Collective is the architect.

Rendering from 12th and C Street. Click to enlarge.

The adaptation plans for the Cotton Annex will go before the Commission of Fine Arts on Thursday. The building was constructed in 1936 and was home to the Department of Agriculture until 2007; it has been vacant since. 

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-few-new-looks-for-564-unit-redevelopment-of-dcs-cotton-annex/19893.

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