907 Units of Mixed-Income Housing to Replace DC's Meadow Green Courts

  • January 14th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Aerial of site of Meadow Green Courts Apartments. Click to enlarge.

This spring, construction is expected to begin on a 60-unit affordable senior building as part of the redevelopment of Ward 7's Meadow Green Courts Apartments. Now, a much larger plan is in the works for the existing apartments at Minnesota Avenue and East Capitol Street SE. 

A developer has applied to rezone the nearly 12-acre site at 3610 Minnesota Avenue, 3425 and 3501-3547 East Capitol Street SE and 127 35th Street SE (map) from RA-1 to RA-2 in order to raze the 53 buildings of affordable housing at these locations. The 461 apartments would then be replaced with approximately 907 residential units, 400-435 of which would be affordable for the life of the project while the remainder would be market-rate.

The existing residents will have the right to return and can receive a 10 percent discount if any for-sale housing is built, per an agreement with the tenants' association when Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act rights were assigned to the developer. 

A zoning hearing has not yet been scheduled.

See other articles related to: meadow green, ward 7, zoning commission

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/907-units-of-mixed-income-housing-to-replace-meadow-green-courts/14881.

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