
219-Unit Development Planned For AU Park Superfresh Site Can Finally Move Forward

  • April 2nd 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Rendering of Superfresh development. Click to enlarge.

Eight years after first being proposed, the planned redevelopment of the former Superfresh grocery site in AU Park can finally move forward. 

Bisnow reported on Tuesday that the DC Court of Appeals has denied a petition for a rehearing of an appeal filed by opponents of the 48th Street project. That appeal was for a 2020 decision from the DC Zoning Commission approving a planned unit development (PUD) of the project. 

The development, dubbed The Ladybird, would deliver 214 units, a 13,000 square foot grocer, and five townhouses at 4330 48th Street NW (map). Twelve percent of the residential space would be inclusionary zoning units, including at least 4 three-bedroom units. Torti Gallas is the architect.

Developers Mill Creek Residential and Valor Development told Bisnow that they are now looking to secure financing and hopefully start construction this year. 

See other articles related to: superfresh dc

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/219-unit_development_planned_for_au_park_superfresh_site_can_finally_move_f/22151.

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