North Capitol Street Market Razed, Making Way for Hotel/Residential Development

  • September 26th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A previous rendering of the development. Click to enlarge.

A year ago, UrbanTurf reported on a preliminary concept to replace a North Capitol Street market with a hotel/residential development. Now, the Capitol Food Mart has been razed and development looks imminent.

Maedwell Companies is working on a hotel/condo/restaurant development at 1634 North Capitol Street NW (map). An iteration of the project designed by Square 134 Architects received Historic Preservation Review Board approval in January.

Previously, reports cited a restaurant on the cellar and street levels, with two floors of hotel rooms beneath a floor of condos. There would also be a roof deck and penthouse amenity space.

The exact count of hotel rooms and residential units is still to be determined, UrbanTurf has learned. Recent reports and filings indicate anywhere from 54-60 hotel rooms and more than four apartments, but a Maedwell representative told UrbanTurf that number has not been confirmed. 

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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