The 3 New Design Options Offered for 14th Street Car Barn

  • October 27th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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While WMATA awaits a ruling from the Mayor's Agent on razing the 14th Street Car Barn, the transit agency is offering some new design options for what could take its place.

Previous design of Garage redevelopment, from 14th and Buchanan Streets. Click to enlarge.

WMATA is looking to partially demolish the landmarked Northern Bus Garage at 14th and Buchanan Streets NW (map) to construct a new bus garage with up to 27,500 square feet of commercial space and a rooftop parking deck. There will also be a community room and office space for Uptown Main Street in the development.

Previous design of Garage redevelopment, from Buchanan Street and Arkansas Avenue. Click to enlarge.

A previous design concept was rejected by the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB). The latest design options by architecture firm Wendel, for which the agency is soliciting feedback through November 2nd, are below. 

In each of the new designs, the scale of the new construction has been reduced, entrances have been lowered to grade, and more of the historic façade is being retained. 

Option 1, from 14th and Buchanan Streets. Click to enlarge.

Option 1 has the most neutral palette, which also creates opportunities for multiple commissioned murals. The materials would include metal panels in two shades of blue, and brick and stone in shades of gray.

Option 1, from Buchanan Street and Arkansas Avenue. Click to enlarge.

Option 2, from 14th and Buchanan Streets. Click to enlarge.

Option 2 features a pattern of multi-shaded tiles in grays and light blues, and also keeps the darker blue metal panels and introduces a warmer brick.

Option 2, from Buchanan Street and Arkansas Avenue. Click to enlarge.

Option 3, from 14th and Buchanan Streets. Click to enlarge.

Option 3 most similarly mirrors the existing historic garage in colors and materials, with red metal panels and dark gray shades of brick.

Option 3, from Buchanan Street and Arkansas Avenue. Click to enlarge.

WMATA has also stated that any of the above designs could have a public art element. Additional meetings are scheduled for next month, and the final design is expected to be shared on November 17th in preparation for HPRB review in December.

The Mayor's Agent for Historic Preservation will hold a hearing on the project in January. If the project is approved next year, the new development could deliver as early as 2026.

This article originally published at

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