From Rowhouse to 9 Residences Off Logan Circle

  • August 15th 2017

by Nena Perry-Brown

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From Rowhouse to 9 Residences Off Logan Circle: Figure 1
1310 and 1314 Vermont Avenue NW.

More residential development is on the boards for Logan Circle.

The owners of the properties at 1310 and 1314 Vermont Avenue NW (map) filed an application with the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) this week to subdivide the latter property in order to build an addition on the former. The subdivision would create a 4,158 square-foot lot, enabling a three-story infill addition to the semi-detached single-family home at 1310 Vermont Avenue NW that would allow the creation of nine residential units.

Approval of the plan would necessitate relief from side yard and open court requirements. The addresses are in the Logan Circle and Greater 14th Street Historic Districts, so the proposal will also need approval from the Historic Preservation Review Board.

The resulting building would contain 3 one-bedroom units on the cellar level, 2 two-bedroom units on the first and second floors, and 2 two-bedroom plus-loft units on the third floor and penthouse level, creating private rooftop terraces for the uppermost units. The development would also include two off-street parking spaces. Arcadia Design is the architect of the development.

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