Faster, Cleaner, Better: The New S9 Bus Service

  • March 24th 2009

by Mark Wellborn

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The WMATA just gave prospective homebuyers one more reason to buy near 16th Street. Starting on March 30th, a new express bus service (S9) will start running along the avenue between 13th and I Street and 16th Street and Eastern Avenue. The trip will not only be quicker than the current service along that route, but because the buses are hybrid, it will also be a more environmentally-friendly ride.

There will be a total of 16 stops on the new express service route. It will run from McPherson Square to Silver Spring making stops in Logan Circle, the U Street Corridor, Mount Pleasant and 16th Street Heights. Here is a map of the stops:

Faster, Cleaner, Better: The New S9 Bus Service: Figure 1

The S9 will run every ten minutes from 6:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Because it will only make certain stops, the total trip will supposedly be about 8 to 10 minutes faster than the S1, S2 and S4 lines that run along a similar route.

This article originally published at

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