Fairfax Has Lowest Residential Vacancy in the Country

  • September 21st 2011

by Mark Wellborn

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Fairfax Has Lowest Residential Vacancy in the Country: Figure 1
Home in Fairfax

The apartment vacancy rate might be low in DC, but it can’t compare with Fairfax, Va.

The Washington Business Journal is reporting this morning that Fairfax has the lowest residential vacancy rate in the country at just 1.8 percent.

From the Business Journal:

The Washington suburb had 8,622 single-family homes, townhouses and apartments as of 2009, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Only 155 of those units were unoccupied.

It should be noted that the Census data used for the report was from 2009 (so a little out of date), but for comparison purposes, DC’s housing units had a vacancy rate of almost 11 percent, based on research by The Washington Business Journal. In July, Delta Associates’ second quarter report showed that vacancy rates for Class A and B apartments in DC sat at 3.1 percent, the third lowest vacancy for a major metro area in the country (behind only New York and Philadelphia).

See other articles related to: fairfax county, washington business journal

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/fairfax_has_lowest_residential_vacancy_in_the_country/4190.

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