DC's Hidden Places: Groff Court

  • October 23rd 2014

by Lark Turner

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DC's Hidden Places: Groff Court: Figure 1

In this week’s edition of Hidden Places, we head to a square-shaped court near Stanton Park.

Groff Court NE sits between Union Station and Stuart Hobson Middle School (map). The court is a narrow, square-shaped alleyway that has a handful of homes, including a set of four rowhouses somewhat incongruously dropped between the backs of other homes and a relatively modern condo complex.

DC's Hidden Places: Groff Court: Figure 2

The condos, above, were built in 1989; one sold last year for $700,000. The four, mostly two-bedroom rowhouses are much older and smaller; they appear to have been built around 1900. Most have gone for much less than the $700,000 price tag of one of the more modern Groff Court townhomes, but none have sold recently.

DC's Hidden Places: Groff Court: Figure 3

You can see photos of the interior of one of the older homes here.

DC's Hidden Places: Groff Court: Figure 4

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dcs_hidden_places_groff_court/9132.

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