DC Added Second-Most Housing Units Per Square Mile in the Past Decade
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With the recent release of more-detailed Census data, the Urban Institute's Yonah Freemark tweeted some graphs that illustrate how population and housing production have changed in 20 metro areas over the past decade.

When comparing DC proper to other U.S. counties, DC had the second highest increase in housing units per square mile for anywhere outside of the New York City metro area. That amounted to an increase of about 850 units per square mile.
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Nearly all of the metro areas studied saw population growth outpace housing production, including the DC area. In DC proper, however, housing unit production did outpace population increases over the past decade.

Out of the 20 largest metro areas, DC had the fourth-most housing production between 2010 and 2020, with an additional 286,000 units delivered. Nineteen percent of the increase in housing units in the DC area were in central city areas.
Thumbnail photo by Ted Eytan.
See other articles related to: census, housing production, population, u.s. census, us census
This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dc-added-second-most-housing-units-per-square-mile-in-the-past-decade/18622.
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