Posts By Katie Knorovsky

Following are all articles by UrbanTurf author Katie Knorovsky, from most recent to least.

Yoga, Poker, Wine and Cheese: The Community Building Events of Area Condos

Yoga, Poker, Wine and Cheese: The Community Building Events of Area Condos

Katie Knorovsky | November 9th 2009

In many condo complexes, socializing among owners is resigned to breezy chitchat by the mail slots, and maybe eggnog in the lobby come December. But a... read»

Ditch Your Commute: Foggy Bottom

Ditch Your Commute: Foggy Bottom

Katie Knorovsky | November 6th 2009

In this week's Ditch Your Commute, we look at the Foggy Bottom neighborhood in Northwest DC. Its high concentration of federal, international, and edu... read»

The Artist Live-Work Spaces of the DC Area

The Artist Live-Work Spaces of the DC Area

Katie Knorovsky | November 4th 2009

The DC area does not have a hub for artist live-work spaces (at least not yet), but creative types looking for a place where they will be surrounded b... read»

Waterfront Tower: A Green Condo in The Little Quadrant That Could

Waterfront Tower: A Green Condo in The Little Quadrant That Could

Katie Knorovsky | November 3rd 2009

As one local neighborhood blog proclaims in its moniker, Southwest…The Little Quadrant That Could, DC’s sleepiest quarter is stirring. Evi... read»

Ditch Your Commute: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Ditch Your Commute: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Katie Knorovsky | October 29th 2009

In a new feature this week called Ditch Your Commute, we look at the neighborhood surrounding the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), a... read»

DC Apartments Roll Out the Move-in Incentives

DC Apartments Roll Out the Move-in Incentives

Katie Knorovsky | October 26th 2009

For apartment hunters, few words are more enticing than these precious two: “free rent.” In the DC area, apartment complexes are not only ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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