Community Development Block Grants

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Community Development Block Grants, from most recent to least.

DHCD Aims to File HUD Loan Application for New City

DHCD Aims to File HUD Loan Application for New City

Nena Perry-Brown | September 25th 2020

This would be the first use of the HUD Section 108 application for DHCD under the current mayoral administration.... read»

Vacant and Blighted: A Look at DC's PADD Program

Vacant and Blighted: A Look at DC's PADD Program

Nena Perry-Brown | June 27th 2016

One lesser-known tool in DC's affordable housing-creation arsenal is the Property Acquisition and Disposition Division (PADD), through which a round o... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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