IKEA Tests Concepts For The World's Tiny Apartments

  • September 30th 2015

by UrbanTurf Staff

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IKEA Tests Concepts For The World's Tiny Apartments: Figure 1
A movable wall in the Life Edited apartment.

IKEA is testing out a variety of new concepts to adapt to the future of tiny living.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Swedish furniture company has been using a small apartment in the town of Malmo for the past couple years to test out ideas that will help maximize space in small apartments.

From the WSJ:

The main fruits of this behind-the-curtain research effort are movable walls and sliding power sockets that people can shuffle around to create subrooms and much-wanted privacy.

Movable walls normally come with a heft price tag, a trend that IKEA is hoping to change. Don’t expect to see the new concept in a store catalog anytime soon, though. The apartment testing ground has been experimenting with family stays for three years now, and a company spokesperson tells the Journal it will be another three years before the concept appears in stores.

DC has no shortage of planned projects that could benefit from this concept. For a look at our coverage of micro-units coming to the region, click here.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/ikea_testing_movable_walls_for_the_worlds_tiny_apartments/10397.

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