
Posts By Ryan Holeywell

Following are all articles by UrbanTurf author Ryan Holeywell, from most recent to least.

Despite Shrinking Inventory, Financing for Condo Projects Hard to Come By

Despite Shrinking Inventory, Financing for Condo Projects Hard to Come By

Ryan Holeywell | August 27th 2010

Over the past several months, the dark cloud that has hung over the DC area condo market since it went bust has slowly been lifting. But even with inv... read»

The Heartbroken Buyer Syndrome

The Heartbroken Buyer Syndrome

Ryan Holeywell | August 13th 2010

A growing number of first-time home buyers in DC are finding that they have to get their heart broken by losing out on a property before they get seri... read»

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!