Proposal for H Street Library: The Winner Is...

  • October 9th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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Proposal for H Street Library: The Winner Is...: Figure 1
1300 H Street NE, currently. Photo courtesy of NCinDC.

Last Friday, we outlined the six proposals competing for the redevelopment plan for the space at 1300 H Street NE in the heart of the H Street Corridor (map). The city wants to see a mixed-use, community-friendly project at the address, which is currently occupied by R.L. Christian Library.

We polled readers on their favorites and got a huge response, with over 1,150 total votes being cast.

So, what do readers want?

Proposal for H Street Library: The Winner Is...: Figure 2
Click to enlarge

The winning proposal went to the folks behind Fundrise (also the poll experts who created Popularise), whose project outlined a plan for 30 condos with a local food market and community buy-in. Coming in at a relatively close second was the proposal from Neighborhood Development Company, who committed to bringing a YES! Organic Market to the space and hopes to build one-bedrooms on the larger size for the residential space.

Finally, coming in third with a respectable 15 percent of the votes was Argos’ plan for family-sized two- and three-bedroom units and a police substation in the ground floor.

The city will be choosing their favorite from among these six over the coming months.

This article originally published at

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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