Admo Heights Development Addition: Figure 1

Admo Heights Development Addition

Adams Morgan

Admo Heights Development Addition

The plans for the second phase of the AdMo Heights development, atop the adjacent storefronts from 1767-1771 Columbia Road NW, include 40 studio units (one Inclusionary Zoning) and 7,300 square feet of refreshed retail. In total, the completed development will share 31 parking spaces and a penthouse with a club room, gym, and lounge. Beztak Properties and Foxhall Partners are the developers and Bonstra|Haresign Architects is the designer.


Project type: Condo or Rental - TBD

No. of units: 40

Types of units: Studios

Architect: Bonstra|Haresign Architects

Last updated: February 8th, 2023


Address: 1767-1771 Columbia Road NW
Washington, DC  20009

