Parcel B at Audi Field
Buzzard Point / Capitol Riverfront
Hoffman & Associates' plans for Parcel B adjacent to the DC United soccer stadium include a 12-story, S-shaped building with 110 senior one-bedrooms, 345 apartments, a new office headquarters for non-profit Volunteers of America (VOA), and 49,000 square feet of ground-floor retail, restaurant, entertainment, and/or performance space. Brooklyn Bowl DC will take up 38,000 square feet of the retail space with 14 lanes for bowling, a 1,200 person concert venue, a craft bar and a menu curated by New York City’s Blue Ribbon Restaurant Group. The senior units will be affordable to households earning up to 30% and 50% of AMI, and 29 of the other apartments will be affordable to households earning up to 60% of MFI. There will also be 305 parking spaces and 178 long-term bicycle spaces across two below-grade levels.
Project type: Rental apartments
No. of units: 455
Types of units: TBD
Architect: StudioMB and STUDIOS Architecture
Last updated: March 31st, 2024
100 S Street SW
Washington, DC 20024