What's Hot: DC's 16 Million-Dollar Neighborhoods | The First Residential Building At The Stacks Opens Its Doors
Admo Heights Development Addition
Adams Morgan
The plans for the second phase of the AdMo Heights development, atop the adjacent storefronts from 1767-1771 Columbia Road NW, include 40 studio units (one Inclusionary Zoning) and 7,300 square feet of refreshed retail. In total, the completed development will share 31 parking spaces and a penthouse with a club room, gym, and lounge. Beztak Properties and Foxhall Partners are the developers and Bonstra|Haresign Architects is the designer.
Project type: Condo or Rental - TBD
No. of units: 40
Types of units: Studios
Architect: Bonstra|Haresign Architects
Last updated: February 8th, 2023
1767-1771 Columbia Road NW
Washington, DC 20009