Agents serving 14th Street Corridor
The following real estate agents are active in 14th Street Corridor. Call or email them to get in touch. Don't forget to tell them UrbanTurf sent you.
Sean Ruppert
Logan Skye Realty
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As the Principal of OPAL, I enjoy building and selling OPaL’s new and renovated homes in the DC area. However, I also help clients buy and sell their own homes, having personally sold over 400 homes since 1996. That’s why my husband and I started Logan Skye Realty. Send a message and let's see how we can work together or give us a follow on Instagram -- with over 26,000 followers, a lot of people seem to like how we are transforming some of the best properties in our Nation’s Capital. We are also pretty darn good at helping people find the right place to hang their hat. Maybe we can help you too.
Courtney Abrams
TTR Sotheby's International Realty
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Courtney, a native Washingtonian, enjoys working with buyers and sellers in her hometown. She also lives in Logan Circle and works out of the Sotheby’s 14th Street Office. As a current resident of Logan Circle, Courtney specializes in condos and single-family homes the neighborhood. She has been named “Top Real Estate Agent” by Washingtonian Magazine in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Courtney is a full-service agent prepared to guide clients through every step of the real estate process.