What's Hot: A Look At The Renters Moving In And Out Of DC

West Falls Church Gateway
Falls Church
A mixed-used development including retail, office, and residential housing oriented around a pedestrian-friendly village green near the West Falls Church Metro station. The project will include approximately 71,000 square feet of class-A office/retail space, 35,200 square feet of residential townhomes, and 197,000 square feet of mixed-use residential condominiums with 7,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial space, all with below-grade parking.
Project type: Rental apartments
No. of units: 200
Types of units: One-, two- and three-bedroom units
Website: tortigallas.com
Architect: Cunningham Quill Architects
Last updated: September 13th, 2024
500 N. Washington Street
Falls Church, VA 22046